COVID-19 state and local guidance updates to begin Monday, March 13

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif. – The County of San Luis Obispo's Public Health Department has updated local COVID-19 guidelines by removing the requirement to have a negative antigen test before leaving isolation.
Members of the general public with COVID-19 who feel well and have been fever-free for 24 hours can leave isolation after five days without needing a negative test which aligns with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.
Masking is still required after leaving isolation according to SLO Public Health Department.
These changes will take effect on Monday, March 13 in compliance with a state-wide order.
Previously, Californians could leave isolation after five days with a negative antigen test or after 10 days without testing.
“The most important action you can take is to stay home if you are sick―that’s been true throughout
the pandemic and remains true with this change,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, SLO County Health Officer.
“If you are feeling better after five days and no longer have a fever, you can end your isolation while
being vigilant to mask around others. That means avoiding situations where you might take off your
mask, like eating at a restaurant or exercising in a gym.”
This update coincides with a series of changes following the end of the COVID-19 State of Emergency in February of this year.
“While COVID-19 continues to take a toll on our community, we have more tools than ever to protect
ourselves and each other,” explained Dr. Borenstein. “Most adults can now get prescription medicine to
treat COVID-19 at no cost. We have updated booster vaccines and widely available at-home testing.
If you need help accessing any of these tools, I encourage you to contact your doctor or our Public
Health team.”
For updated information on COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County, check out the county's website or call the Public Health Information Line at 805-788-2903.