Santa Maria offers free sprinklers and burlap yard bag for water conservation promotion

SANTA MARIA, Calif. – The City of Santa Maria's Utilities Department is offering free landscape burlaps and sprinklers for the City's water customers in an effort to encourage water conservation.
City water customers can receive one seven foot by seven foot landscape burlap bag and three Hunter MPR1000 rotator sprinklers with anti-leak bodies per household.
Stop by the Utilities Department's office at 2065 East Main St. in Santa Maria with a photo ID to claim the promoted items weekdays all of April from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You can use the burlap bag to store yard refuse like branches and clippings for easy transport to an organics container or compost pile.

The three sprinklers can be used to retrofit existing irrigation to maximize water efficiency and slow precipitation. An adjustment tool and instruction guide are included.