Three arrests and 20 citations made on day one of Isla Vista’s Deltopia weekend

ISLA VISTA, Calif. – The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office said officers made three arrests, 20 citations, seven reports and responded to one traffic collision all on Friday, the first night of Isla Vista's Deltopia weekend.
Raquel Zick, SBCSO spokesperson, said that Saturday has been much busier.
On Saturday, Zick said that first responders became overwhelmed with medical calls for service in Isla Vista that they shifted to a triage system for medical emergencies at 3:30 p.m.

#Deltopia in #IslaVista is underway. The Sheriff’s Office will be updating information here- follow for more from #IVFP
— PIO Raquel Zick (@SBSOPIO) April 3, 2022
As of 5:48 p.m., Santa Barbara County Fire declared a multi-casualty incident (MCI) in Isla Vista because of multiple severe traumas and medical emergencies.
SBC Fire has declared an MCI(multi casualty incident) associated with multiple medical emergencies including multiple severe traumas. These are associated with heavy crowds in Isla Vista for the unsanctioned beach party known as Deltopia. Many balconies are over crowded.
— Daniel Bertucelli (@SBCFireInfo) April 3, 2022
"By declaring an MCI, first responders and the hospitals are able to triage and transport multiple patients to different hospitals more efficiently," said Daniel Bertucelli, SBCFD spokesperson. "Will update if more info becomes available."

This is a developing story, more details will be provided as information comes in.