How to be emergency ready for the next disaster

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- Are you emergency ready? Santa Barbara's Office of Emergency Services wants everyone to be ready when the next disaster hits.
Yolanda McGlinchey with the Office of Emergency Services said, if you are prepared for an earthquake, then you'll be ready for anything. And the further away we get from one disaster, the closer we are to the next one.
"So what do we have in our plans, how are we planning for that type of event?” McGlinchey asked. She said those questions are the building blocks to be emergency ready.
Among the basic supplies like extra water and non-perishable food, McGlinchey encourages residents to take pictures of their home, so they have images from before and after the disaster available for reference. Also make copies or take pictures of important documents and health records.
“We need to think and probably plan for the worst and hope for the best," said McGlinchey. "When you go to a shelter, do you know what it is that you need to take with you? What does the shelter provide you? Knowing those things ahead of time will help you, especially if you have to evacuate.”
McGlinchey said just having a plan isn’t good enough, you need to practice it and update it when you move. That’s where their community outreach training comes in.
Liliana Encinas does the Emergency Services bilingual public outreach. She said, “And then they forget. So that’s why and I remind the community you have to practice with drills just like the kids do at school. Practice your escape plan at home. Practice by taking an alternate route home after work or to work.”
A new emergency, McGlinchey pointed out, that Californians should be prepared for are public safety power shutoffs (PSPS). PSPS's are when the power company turns off all power, causing a blackout, during a high-wind event to prevent wildfires.
For a list of more safety tips visit the Office of Emergency Services website here.