Cal State honors 23 student scholars for outstanding achievement

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- California State University honors 23 top scholars for outstanding achievement on Monday.
Two of the 23 students go to the local Cal State colleges in the South Coast and Central Coast areas.
Christine Lam from Cal Poly and Aurelia Nahue from CSU Channel Islands are being honored along with 21 other Cal State students for the 2021 Trustees' Award for Outstanding Achievement.
These students are being acknowledged for their talent, determination and drive.

There will be a virtual meeting on September 14 to celebrate these students' achievements.
Each award provides a donor-funded scholarship to students who demonstrate superior academic performance, personal accomplishments, community service and financial need.
“These 23 scholars wonderfully exemplify the ideals of the California State University,” said CSU Chancellor Joseph Castro. “Every year, and especially this year, our Trustees’ Award honorees demonstrate resilience, tenacity and resolve—together with a keen intellect—while making an indelible, positive impact on their families and their communities. They are truly an inspiration.”

Christine Lam from Cal Poly will receive the Trustee Wenda Fong and Daniel Fetterly Scholar, and Aurelia Nahue will receive the Santé Health System Scholar.
Cal State says many of these students are the first in their families to attend college.
To learn more about this prestigious recognition and see all the winners, click here.