Santa Barbara streets with two traffic lanes in the same direction start losing their parklets

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – You may be seeing some of your favorite outside dining areas disappearing in Santa Barbara under new city rules.
Sunday, one business got ahead of the upcoming deadline and dismantled its seating area that had proven to be popular. The owners of the quaint Aperitivo wine bar at 7 W. Haley in Santa Barbara have removed their outside dining parklet to conform to the new rules approved by the Santa Barbara City Council.
Parklets will now not be allowed on roads consisting of two vehicle lanes in any one direction. The deadline to remove the structures is the end of the month.
The Aperitivo owners said the seating area was often used and business overall has been good. They are still looking at a solid holiday season with customers enjoying their inside tables, and Italian-inspired menu.
There are other parklets on Haley St. and Cabrillo Blvd. that fall into the same situation under the new rules.
For more information go to : Santa Barbara City Parklets