MTD confirms employee tested positive for coronavirus
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - On Saturday, July 11, MTD confirmed that an employee tested positive for COVID-19.
This employee is not a bus operator. The employee works as an Operations Supervisor and said he was feeling sick on July 4.
MTD said the employee has not worked since, and has self-isolated. The last time they were at an MTD facility interfacing with other employees was for one hour between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 4, 2020.
MTD said the employee wore personal protective equipment throughout their shift, including a mask and gloves, and does not believe they were in close contact with any members of the public.
All MTD employees have been notified of this test result and specific employees who may have come in close contact with the employee have been sent home for self-isolation and have been directed to contact their healthcare provider if they exhibit symptoms.
MTD said enhanced cleaning protocols have been implemented since early March. These protocols include nightly disinfecting of all high-touch surfaces in buses with a hospital-grade disinfectant.
All vehicles or areas the employee who tested positive may have come in contact with are receiving additional disinfecting above and beyond MTD’s already enhanced cleaning regimen.
MTD said they will not share personally identifiable information of employees or customers out of respect for individual privacy and in keeping with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act) protections.
For more information about MTD and our response to the COVID-19 pandemic please visit their website at