Groundbreaking held for Tefft Street traffic improvement project in Nipomo

NIPOMO, Calif. -- A traffic project to help improve congestion on Tefft Street in Nipomo is now underway.
On Friday morning, San Luis Obispo County officials celebrated the start of the project with an official groundbreaking ceremony near the busy intersection of Tefft Street and the US 101 southbound off-ramp.
"The Tefft/US 101 project is a long-awaited project, desperately needed," said Genaro Diaz, San Luis Obispo County Public Works Project Manager. "There's lot of congestion on Tefft obviously.
The project will improve traffic flow and enhance pedestrian access at the intersection, which is heavily impacted throughout out the day, especially during commute times.
"What this project is doing is basically adding lanes to both the northbound and southbound off-ramps," said Diaz. "What it does is add storage and it optimizes signals on Tefft and hopefully it will provide additional greentime."
The County is advising the public that traffic control, shoulder closures, and flagging will be in effect during construction.
Drivers are advised to adjust their travel plans and consider alternate routes while work is taking place.
During construction, there will be intermittent nighttime closures of the northbound and southbound off-ramps. Electronic billboards are currently in place to alert drivers on Highway 101 in both directions.
Off-ramp closures will be held between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.
"The County is working with the contractor to impact as least as possible the commuters through here, but there will be some impacts," said Diaz. "There will be night work and we're trying to avoid any delays along Tefft and the off-ramps."
The project will also include the construction of ADA ramps at the off-ramp intersections, and make improvements to drainage systems.
According to Public Works, the project will cost $1,520,200, and is being funded by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and County Road Improvement Funds.
Work is scheduled to last through November, but could be impacted any potential weather delays.