Santa Maria Finalizing Housing Element Update 

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The City of Santa Maria is nearing the end of its 2023 Housing Element update.
It will determine where the city should pursue future new housing projects including the size and scale of such projects.
The third draft of the Housing Element update is available for public review and comment until Wednesday, October 18.
You can find the draft document by visiting the Housing Element Update 2023 webpage to review the Third Draft of the Housing Element document, and to learn more about the Housing Element.
The City of Santa Maria Community Development Department is preparing the update to the Housing Element of the City of Santa Maria General Plan, which will serve as the City’s policy document regarding the development, maintenance, and improvement of housing for all economic segments of the City’s residents for the next eight years.
The public review period will be an opportunity to review the Third Draft Housing Element and share your thoughts regarding in response to comments made by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Comments may be submitted within the public review period to or mailed/delivered to the City of Santa Maria Community Development Department (110 South Pine Street, Room 101) by Wednesday, October 18th.