Santa Maria targets high traffic area for street safety improvements
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The City of Santa Maria has targeted a high traffic area known for speeding and traffic accidents for street and safety improvements.
Construction for The North Blosser Road Improvement Project between Taylor Street and Atlantic Place at the Santa Maria River Levee is already underway.
The current four lane roadway will be reduced to two lanes to reduce vehicle speed with new bicycle lanes and center median landscaping added.
Corner pavement curb ramps will be built or improved to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
"The roadway is built at the ultimate width", said project manager David Beas with the City of Santa Maria Public Works Department, "so there was essentially a safety issue that the City received grant funding for, and a consolidation of the lanes to provide safety to the traveling, motoring public and bicyclists as well.
Traffic delays in the construction area are expected while work is completed in the coming months.
The nearly $800,000 project is being paid for with a federal, state and local funds.