Witches lunch favors quiche over a boiling cauldron

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - A group of Halloween witches, avoided a boiling cauldron and went for a different menu for an annual lunch in Santa Barbara Monday.
They were at Andersen's restaurant and bakery with salads and quiche as they have for about ten years.
The group of friends were dressed in all black, some were in forest green and a few had purple witches outfits.
Artist Patricia Chidlaw said they even had a few men at the tables too, including someone looking like the Incredible Hulk.
Her outfit was formerly an all black dress but she took on a black and red look this year.
"I found this in a Halloween store last year and it and it has little bats which I thought was nice. This year I remodeled the hat. The old was looking a little beat up so I bought this nice velveteen hat and I added the bird, and the bat and the flowers."
It's unclear how the witches arrived or left.
No brooms were seen.