Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods Transportation Plan focus of tonight’s Open House

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - The City of Santa Barbara is hosting an open-house format meeting Thursday evening at La Cumbre Junior High School for folks concerned about transportation issues in Westside neighborhoods.
Talking points will focus on pedestrian, bicycle and, traffic safety -- especially along the Modoc corridor and, the stretch along La Cumbre Junior High.
The longterm goal is to improve routes to schools, parks and neighborhoods services and complete major infrastructure gaps linked to other City projects and improvements.
The City's website describes features of the Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods Active Transportation Plan Implementation Project include:
- A one-mile class IV bike path adjacent to La Cumbre Jr. High and Santa Barbara Community Academy, connecting to the Las Positas/Modoc Multiuse Path and neighborhood bike boulevards.
- Bike lanes and bike boulevard features to close the gap between the Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods.
- Sidewalk infill on six streets.
- Safety enhancements at 15 crosswalks including curb extensions, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, refuge islands, and lighting.
- Pedestrian-scale sidewalk lighting along San Andres Street.
Work on the multi-million dollar project is expected to start in 2027.
Tonight's open house goes from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at La Cumbre Junior High School at 2255 Modoc Road.
Spanish interpreters will be participating. Habra interpretación en Español.