Close call when a large tree limb snaps coming down on East Beach parking spots and bike lane

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - It was a very close call Friday night when a large tree limb snapped about 7:30 p.m. and came crashing down on the East Beach parking spots and bike lane in Santa Barbara.
This happened on the eastern end of Cabrillo Blvd.
Emergency crews were immediately called. No one was hurt and no vehicles were damaged.

The tree is a Monterey cypress. It is not known when it was planted, but it is a fully mature tree. The Santa Barbara Beautiful organization says the Monterey cypress tree has been planted in various areas of the city for about 100 years.
The branch would have hit at least three vehicles if they were parked in that area.

A homeless man who sleeps regularly in the area was about 20 yards to the east.
Weather at the time was in a changing pattern with light rain off and on but no significant winds.
The Santa Barbara City Forestry Division has been notified.
This is a very busy area of the Santa Barbara waterfront and the home to the original players in the sport of beach volleyball.