Wine grapes take the spot of top crop in SLO County’s 2023 Crop Report

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif. – The County of San Luis Obispo issued the 2023 production statistics for the local agriculture industry on Tuesday.
Click here for the full report and click here for annual reports from 1928 to 2022.
The figures in the annual crop report only represent gross value and do not show net profits nor secondary economic benefits.
Crop values across the County of San Luis Obispo reached a record high just over $1.1 billion and for the first time in four years, strawberries were outpaced by wine grapes as the county's most valuable crop.
Those two crops combined account for more than half of the county's overall crop value.
The top ten commodities by value in 2023 are listed below:

A breakdown of wine grape crop value by varietal is shown below:

Factors such as overall production, growing conditions, and market trends can impact crop values from year to year.
The animal industry and vegetable sector are good examples of those factors at play.
The animal industry saw an increase of 39 percent in cattle prices and the vegetable sector saw a 17 percent drop in value due to a decline in harvested acres detailed the crop report.
"Farming is an unpredictable and complex industry that requires a high degree of individual commitment and collaboration," explained Martin Settevendemie the Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer for San Luis Obispo County. "The persistence and innovative nature of our agricultural producers and agricultural associations helps to keep our industry stable. Each year, challenges present themselves and invariably our farmers and ranchers rise to the occasion to overcome those challenges. We owe them all a debt of gratitude for their unwavering dedication to maintaining our food supply and sustaining one of the largest economic drivers in San Luis Obispo County."