Governor signs bill into law creating independent redistricting commission for SLO County

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif. – Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 977 into law creating an independent districting commission for the County of San Luis Obispo to take effect on January 1 of next year.
The bill, coauthored by Assemblymember Dawn Addis and State Senator John Laird, establishes an 11-member Citizens Redistricting Commission that will be responsible for drawing County Supervisor district boundaries one year after each decennial federal census.
The new law creates a similar commission on redistricting that matches the state's seven existing redistricting commissions detailed a press release from State Senator Laird's Office.
"As a resident of San Luis Obispo, I am a proud co-author of Senate Bill 977. I am grateful and honored to have worked with Senator John Laird to get this legislation across the line, and thankful to Governor Newsom for signing it," said Assemblymember Addis. "The people of our county deserve fairness and transparency in our redistricting process. SB 977 allows us to have the independent redistricting commission we need."
Each commission member must meet certain requirements including:
- Be a resident of San Luis Obispo County
- Be a voter continuously registered in San Luis Obispo County and has not changed their party affiliation for five or more years before their appointment to the Commission
- Have voted in at least one of the three last statewide elections immediately proceeding their application to join the Commission
- Be subject to conditions detailed in subdivisions (c) and (d) of Section 23003 of the law
- Possess experience that shows analytical skills relevant to redistricting and voting rights as well as an ability to comprehend state and federal legal requirements
- Possess the ability to be impartial
- Possess experience that shows an appreciation of diverse demographics and geography of San Luis Obispo County
- While serving on the Commission, members can not run, endorse, work or volunteer for, or make a campaign contribution to a candidate for County-specific elected offices
"Fair impartial voting districts established independently are a crucial aspect of our democracy," explained State Senator Laird. "With Governor Newsom’s signature of Senate Bill 977, the voters of San Luis Obispo can have confidence in the integrity of their elections. I am proud to have worked on this legislation with the County of San Luis Obispo to create this commission."
Before the Commission can issue a new district map, the law requires at least five public hearings to take place over a period no fewer than 30 days with at least one hearing held in each Supervisor district.
"The Governor’s signature is the culmination of all the hard work of Sen. Laird, supported by Assemblymember Addis and so many SLO County residents, to protect our local democracy," said San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson. "I’m deeply grateful for this result and excited that this independent commission will properly transfer the power to draw district boundaries from elected officials to the local voters they are sworn to serve."