California Department of Health issues shellfish alert to avoid or maintain caution when eating shellfish as PSP toxin levels rise

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.– San Luis Obispo Public Health released a shellfish alert cautioning all to avoid consuming sport-harvested mussels, clams, or scallops from San Luis Obispo and Humboldt counties as paralytic shellfish poison toxin level reach the danger zone.
The California Department of Health have also issued an alert to avoid shellfish as PSP can cause illness or death in humans.
Paralytic Shellfish Poison toxins produce a tingling feeling around the face minutes to hours after ingesting toxic shellfish. The sensation is followed by a loss of balance, lack of muscular coordination, slurred speech, and in severe cases paralysis and death.
This alert does not apply to commercially sold shellfish from state approved sources that undergo routine PSP screenings.
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