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Shelter Box delivers community update on efforts worldwide helping millions of displaced people

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SUMMERLAND, Calif. - An update on the reach of the non-profit work by Shelter Box U.S.A shows it has been involved in restoring a life structure after some of the world's biggest disasters or international violence.

Shelter Box U.S.A. is based in Summerland.

Thursday, President Kerry Murray and Shelter Box team members presented their annual report to donors and special guests.

"The organization is transforming lives around the world," said Murray. "As a global humanitarian relief organization, Shelter Box is working to tackle one of the biggest issues that's plaguing our entire world. And that is global displacement. There's more people displaced in our world today than at any time in recorded history"

She said, over 110-million people around the world are displaced. "You've heard about Turkey, Syria. 52,000 people killed and millions displace in an instant." She also said, impacts come from typhoons, cyclones and debris flows, in addition to earthquakes.

The number one issue, "is actually people who have been displaced by violent content." The current figure in that category is 70-million.

Shelter Box is providing essential supplies including tent-type shelters, cooking essentials, solar lanterns and at times, financial flash grants to help those who have found temporary shelter but have nothing else.

 They are delivered through reliable partners  and one is Rotary International.

Host and KCLU News Director Lance Orozco told the group, "Your support makes it possible for us to continue to do the work that Shelter Box does." He told the group, traditional sources of funding do not make it to this non-profit. "Shelter Box relies completely on donors like you and grants from non-profit foundations. There's no government money involved."

This presentation to donors took them to locations where Shelter Box has made a difference.     There were emotional testimonials from those on the receiving end including the elderly and families with children who were left with little or nothing.

For more information go to: Shelter Box USA

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John Palminteri

John Palminteri is senior reporter for KEYT News Channel 3-12. To learn more about John, click here.


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