COVID-19 outbreaks continue at Santa Barbara Main Jail and Northern Branch Jail

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – There are currently 20 COVID-19 positive inmates at the Main Jail and 14 positive at the Northern Branch Jail (NBJ) associated with recent outbreaks in the jails, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office.
As a result, the sheriff's office said that visitation has been suspended.
The sheriff's office said it discovered an outbreak in the Main Jail on May 25 when 13 inmates tested positive in the Main Jail West Housing Module.
Now, there are 20 inmates with COVID-19, three of whom have reported being symptomatic, but none have required hospitalization according to SBCSO.
On Saturday, the sheriff's office discovered that there were seven inmates in the NBJ Housing Unit E.
There are now 14 total cases associated with this outbreak, with one inmate released and 13 remaining in the jail, according to SBCSO.
The sheriff's office said that none of the NBJ inmates with COVID-19 require hospitalization, but that nine out of the 14 are symptomatic.
"As we identify COVID-19 positive inmates, they are moved into an area of the facility that has negative pressure cells," said the sheriff's office. "The remainder are placed together in small groups (cohorts) and isolated from other inmates and monitored by Wellpath for symptoms."
In addition, the sheriff's office said that it is "coordinating with the Santa Barbara Court and the Public Defender’s Office to adjust court appearances to minimize the spread of the virus through the movement of inmates."