Tracking above average temperatures this Friday
Offshore flow brings warmer and dry air into the Central Coast Friday. This dry air along with sunny skies will warm temperatures 5-10 degrees from Thursday. Expect to see highs in the upper 60s and lower 70s. Winds will calm down by the middle of the day and High Surf will die down. No watches warnings or advisories are in effect.
Northwesterly winds will cool temperatures down Saturday. More lower level clouds may appear due to these onshore winds so expect to see partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies. Highs will be back into the lower to middle 60s. Clouds begin to increase by the evening and overnight hours. We may see a few areas of fog development as well.
With the increase in onshore flow we can expect a rather dense marine layer to develop Sunday morning. These dense clouds will be slow to clear and the day will be cooler and dreary, but not a bad day for a run outside! Monday through the first half of next week will have a mixture of sun and clouds each morning, clear skies by the evening and highs in the middle 60s.