High school student is trying to get fans out to UCSB to support women’s sports and health

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Eva Rogers has been going all over Santa Barbara promoting this Saturday's women's basketball game at UCSB between the Gauchos and Long Beach State.

The Santa Barbara High School sophomore has been putting up flyers about the game.
"Around schools, club basketball teams and just youth programs around the area," said Rogers on where she has distributed her flyers.
She plays junior varsity on the Dons basketball team and wants to see all women sports flourish.
This is the third year Rogers has worked on getting fans out to a women's basketball game at UCSB.
"Two years ago when we did this game we had 12 people show up," began Rogers. "Last year we had just under 200 and so this year we are going for 300 to 400 to support women's sports and women's health."
She has teamed up with Flow Athletics to promote this game and the first 400 fans at Saturday's game receives a free t-shirt.
Tip-off against The Beach is 4pm at the Thunderdome.