St. Patrick’s Day sprinkles lucky boost to business in Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA, Calif.—From Irish dancing at Dargan’s to musicians pulling out the bagpipes at M.Special brewery local businesses are getting a huge boost on St Patrick's Day.
“It's a long day, but it's always fun. It's getting really rowdy later for sure,” said Dargan's Bartender Fielding Butler.
Locals say the real treat isn’t the food or drinks. It’s the sense of connection.
“It is the Irish fiesta. It just is. You know, one day of just a great time with fantastic people,” said Tony Bosch, who Lives in Santa Barbara.
“That’s what Santa Barbara used to be back when they would close the streets for the festivals and stuff, you know, it's why we live here, because it's a bunch of great people that want to get out and have a good time,” said Marla Marshall, who lives in Santa Barbara.
Two time World Champion Irish dancer Alanna Callaghan says St. Patrick’s Day is her version of Christmas.
“After competing for 20 years, I decided to open a noncompetitive Irish dance school so my kids don't compete. We all just do performances and enjoy community events and that's what we thrive on,” said the Fire Dance Founder.