Lompoc Unified School District approves construction for TK classrooms

LOMPOC, Calif. -- Lompoc Unified School District approved new construction of Transitional Kindergarten classrooms on Tuesday.
During the December 13 board meeting, the district moved ahead with the expansion of the TK program by adding two other elementary schools in the area.
“With Monday’s Board approval, we will be constructing two new classrooms at four elementary schools, La Cañada, Fillmore, Hapgood and Clarence Ruth. This is a great start toward preparing our District for the additional grade-level of students,” explained Doug Sorum, Assistant Superintendent Business Services. “We will continue to work to add additional rooms at those remaining sites that are in need of extra classroom space.”
They say for each school year for the 2022 to 2023 through 2025 to 2026 period, the TK enrollment date is extended two months earlier, with the final year extending the enrollment date by three months where a child who had their fourth birthday by September 1st can be admitted to TK.
“With the expansion of the TK program, we are going to need new, Title V compliant classrooms. We are excited to begin the process now so that we will be ready to accept our youngest learners when full implementation begins in 2025-2026,” stated Superintendent Trevor McDonald.
Construction will include a total of eight classrooms.
“Not only will the new construction be great for students and staff alike by providing great learning and working environments, it will also bring additional work to the Lompoc community. The construction projects will utilize as many local contractors as possible,” added Bree Valla, Deputy Superintendent.