Santa Barbara County Fair future undecided, but outlook is grim

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The Santa Maria Fairpark Board of Directors will vote whether or not to move forward with the 2020 Santa Barbara County Fair, but the likelihood the fair happens is small.
With cancellations to the California Mid-State Fair and the Ventura County Fair, staff and organizers say it's unlikely the Santa Maria event will go on.
“The board meets June 2. Staff expects the board will likely cancel because many of the vendors, exhibits and carnival have said it's hard to mobilize for just one fair. Given that, it is hard to see a way to move forward,” said Santa Maria Fairpark spokeswoman Shelly Cone.
Carnivals and vendors often travel throughout a region making multiple stops at fairs and other events to maximize profit and reduce expenses. With other fairs and mass gatherings being canceled, it just doesn't make financial sense for members of this high-cost industry to travel for a single fair.
Fairs, firework shows, and high-profile events throughout our area have been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
If the prediction presented by staff and employees of the Santa Maria Fairpark become reality, another community favorite will be scrapped, with turning their focus toward a (hopefully) more stable 2021.