Former Library Director and former Director of Public Works reach settlements with City

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – Two former City of Santa Barbara employees have signed separate settlements with the City and the reason for their departures are now shrouded in mutual non-disparagement clauses found in both agreements.
Jessica Cadiente -former Library Director- and Clifford Maurer -former Director of Public Works- both signed settlements with the City of Santa Barbara earlier this month, ending their tenures with the city at their respective positions.
Your News Channel reached out to the City of Santa Barbara for comment and the mutual non-disparagement clause was noted as a reason for no additional comment about the staffing changes.
Despite the similarities between the settlements, a notable difference is that Cadiente and the City agreed to "mutually separate" and Maurer
Cadiente was also provided a payment of $500,000 in four separate checks that are detailed below and 18 months of continued medical coverage stated the settlement.
The first check for $171,204.16 for attorney's fees, another check for $295,916.25 was issued for wage penalties, a third check that totaled $32,879.58 was for ten percent of the remaining settlement proceeds, and the fourth and final check of $35,613 was the City's contribution for medical costs for an 18 month period if Cadiente decided to enroll in the California Public Employees Retirement System or CalPERS detailed the settlement.
Maurer agreed to submit a resignation letter which will be included in his personnel file and, in exchange, the settlement required the City of Santa Barbara:
- Issue a lump sum payment of $281,498.46 for one year of total compensation
- Payment of $1878.12 for 18 months of dental and vision coverage
- Allow Maurer to decide to convert his accrued sick leave for a lump sum or a monthly lifetime annuity
- Require the City to pay Mauerer's attorney fees up to $10,000
- Pay out all accrued vacation hours