First Annual Rose Garden Tattoo Convention

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - The first annual Rose Garden Tattoo Convention is happening this weekend at the Community Arts Workshop on 631 Garden Street.
Goleta local and tattoo artist, JJ Ortiz, gathered tattoo artists from different parts of the world to come together and celebrate the art of tattoo.
"It's so easy to fall in love for me with the craft of tattooing," said Ortiz. "It embraces you like no other."
More than 65 tattoo artists will showcase their work.
This event is touted as having something for everyone with screen printing, vintage clothing, art, food and desserts for sale and, a car show next door.
"I think people need to see that and, inspire young people to chase their dreams, pursue their goals and their love, whatever it is, because it’s going to see them through, anything, really," said Oritz.
Those 16 and under can enter the event for free.