Firefighters rescue woman trapped on Isla Vista ledge and three men who tried to save her
ISLA VISTA, Calif. — According to the Santa Barbara County Fire Department, crews rescued a woman trapped on a ledge, along with three men who tried to save her, Saturday night.
The SBCFD said firefighters were called to a cliff rescue on 6761 Del Play Drive at approximately 11:17 p.m. When crews arrived they found a female over the edge and stuck 10-15 feet down on a ledge.
SBCFD said three men tried to rescue the woman from the beach below, but got stuck due to the rising tide.
All four people were rescued by fire crew personnel and no injuries were reported, according to SBCFD.

Isla Vista has had more than a dozen fatal falls. In recent weeks, the Isla Vista Community Services District met with Santa Barbara County Supervisor Laura Capps and County planners to talk about ways to prevent more injuries and fatalities.
Capps sent Yours News Channel a statement regarding Saturday nights incident.
“Late last night in Isla Vista there was yet another bluff fall by an individual at a party on a balcony. Thanks to our first responders she recovered without injuries. We are learning more but clearly we already know the dangers of being near the bluffs of Isla Vista," said Capps. "Judging from the photo of the incident, this property owner has not raised or fortified their fence as the county has incentivized as part of our bluff safety plan.”
We will update this article as more information comes in.