Cachuma Lake reopens to boaters, rowers and fishing
SANTA YNEZ VALLEY, Calif. - Lake Cachuma opened Monday for the first time in a month following January's destructive storms which left a massive amount of debris strewn across the water, nearly shore to shore.
Now, visitors to the popular site are enjoying the highest lake level seen in years following California's historic drought.

"Weeks ago the lake was down to where those docks are down there, the shoreline was out like a half mile," said Dustin Farnum, co-owner of Hook'd Bar & Grill. "You'd have to drive down, launch the boat and walk back up. Half the day was wasted just parking the car."
"It's a lot better and I saw that it was like at almost 100% which is great, we really needed it," said Lucy Villanunez, a Buellton resident.
Farnum said last month's rains filled the lake beyond capacity but back-to-back storms also washed down tons of debris from the hills above, blocking the flood gates.

"Looked as though you could honestly walk across all the way to Cachuma Bay here," said Farnum. "You could see no water here whatsoever."
Signs are now posted along the boat ramp warning boaters about bits of remaining debris and the speed limit as they make their way back into the water. Quagga Mussel forms are still required and, the fishing is good.

Apparently the day's biggest catch was nabbed by the barge, which reeled in a massive tree floating across the lake.

Meantime, Santa Barbara County is requiring new docks for the lake -- at least one split apart during the storms.

"As the water came up so did the people," said Jim Henderson, a local investor.
Henderson and Farnum estimate more than 500 people came by over the weekend to check out the lake, enjoy the food, and an impromptu performance by a local band.

"Bobby and the boys with Out of the Blue," said Henderson. "This place was packed! The line just didn't stop, it was all the way out to the entrance and we had to tell 'em, 'It's gonna take awhile for your food so, enjoy the view!'"
Cafe owners will be busy in the weeks and months ahead, firing up the grill and ramping up staff -- eager to enjoy the warmer months ahead and high lake level.
"It's going to be full for a long time," said Farnum. "Should be a great summer!"
Click here for more information about Cachuma Lake.