Help needed to name Goleta’s new playground butterfly

GOLETA, Calif. -- Children in Goleta will soon be able to enjoy the first-ever climbable Monarch Butterfly structure and other new equipment at Berkeley Road and Arundel Road.
But before the Monarch Butterfly takes flight, it needs a name and the city is asking for help. The City is conducting a “Name the Monarch” contest to find the perfect match for the special recreation feature.
JoAnne Plummer, Parks and Recreation Manager said, “The Monarch Butterfly is a well-loved symbol of Goleta and important to our residents, and this naming contest provides an opportunity for everyone to participate and suggest an appropriate and meaningful name for this special climbing structure custom-made just for Goleta.”
To participate, complete the city's online contest entry form by March 31. Participants will be asked to provide a suggested name with a brief explanation as to why it is the best name for this butterfly. The contest entry form, available in English and Spanish, as well as additional information, is available here.