Woods Humane Society reduces adoption fees to $50 amid post-pandemic puppy boom

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.– Woods Humane Society hosts $50 adoption promotion until Apr. 2 to not only encourage more adoptions, but create enough space and cover costs for the post-pandemic puppy boom the shelter is seeing.
“We currently have nearly 35 puppies in foster homes, with more on the way,” says Woods Humane Society Interim CEO Emily L’Heureux. “In total, we have taken in 107 puppies this year—more than three-times the number taken in during the same timeframe last year.”
Woods Humane Society contributed the increase to owners returning to the office and struggling with the high-cost of puppy care in the current economy.
To match the puppy influx, Woods is hosting the spring baby-fundraiser fair to "help cover the cost of care for a more than 200 percent increase in homeless puppies" and ensure Woods doesn't have to turn any puppies away.
“We are looking to the community for support to ensure that we will not have to turn puppies away due to a lack of funds or resources.”
If able to adopt visit Woods Humane Society located at 875 Oklahoma Ave., San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 and at 2300 Ramona Rd., Atascadero, CA 93422, from 12-5 p.m., with adoption hours from 12-4 p.m.
More information about animals available for adoption and about the foster program can be found at www.WoodsHumane.org.
Community member unable to foster or adopt can still make donations to help puppies at www.WoodsHumane.org/Donate or by texting “WOODS” to 24365.
For more information about Woods, visit www.WoodsHumane.org or call (805) 543-9316.