Carpinteria cherimoya demand increases with the Chinese New Year celebration
CARPINTERIA, Calif. - Large orders of the cherimoya fruit have been heading out this week from Carpinteria where they are grown. This is part of the upcoming celebration of the Chinese New Year, set for Tuesday.
The cherimoya is on a list of lucky fruit. The good fortune comes from many other fruits as well including oranges, pomelos, pomegranates, pineapples, sugar cane, apples and grapes.
Many of the fruits have a symbolic meaning for the Chinese Lunar New Year to bring luck, wealth and good fortune.
At the Rancho Santa Cecilia ranch in the Carpinteria back country, the cherimoya is grown alongside avocados, citrus and tropical fruits. 42 acres are farmed there.
Orders for multiple cases of the cherimoya have been filled in the last week and are heading out to restaurants in the Los Angeles area.
There are also many varieties available at the Santa Barbara Certified Farmers' Market.