Fishing, hunting license sales soar in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Fishing and hunting license sales have soared in California over the past year.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife issued nearly two million sport fishing licenses in 2020, an 11% increase from 2019. The Department said it hasn't issued that many sport fishing licenses since 2008.
Meanwhile, nearly 300,000 California hunting licenses were issued in 2020, a 9% increase from 2019.
The Department cites more free time, coupled with the need for physical outlets and mental relief as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic for the surge in license sales.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton H. Bonham is excited to have more hunters and anglers.
"A California fishing or hunting license is a passport to outdoor adventure and a gateway to healthy living, environmental stewardship, good times and lifetime learning,” Bonham said.
Hunters and anglers play a crucial role in managing natural resources by regulating wildlife populations to maintain ecological and biological diversity, participating in surveys for scientific data collection and reporting wildlife crimes.