Why are you running for office?: | I'm running for office because I think we need a fresh voice in Atascadero. We need open minds who will look at the facts and listen to the community to move Atascadero toward a more prosperous future. |
What makes you qualified for the job?: | My biggest qualification is that I love this town! I have two children I am raising here and I want to make sure that we are investing in and taking care of Atascadero so that they can grow up and hopefully raise their own family here. I have served on the AYSO Atascadero board for six years so I know how to organize and work with all kinds of people in the community to make things happen! I have also volunteered with many community organizations including ECHO. |
What are your two main priorities if you win?: | I want to bring Community Choice Energy to Atascadero and I want to bring more diverse voices into community decisions. |
How will you interact with other governments?: | We will need to work together and put aside any petty differences to make sure we are serving our communities needs. I look forward to being on community action committees to encourage cooperation in our county to make it better for everyone who lives here. |
What are your plans to help overcome COVID-19?: | Working with small business owners so that the City can support them as much as possible. I do and will encourage everyone in Atascadero to wear a mask to keep our community safe. |
Which two issues are most important to you?: | Investing in the community parks and recreation centers so our children have safe places to play and helping the homeless population in our town and in our county get the resources they need to get them off the streets so that everyone feels safer and happier. |