Since historic spilling, visitors are flowing into Lopez Lake, with many more expected throughout the year

LOPEZ LAKE, Calif. -- The historic spilling at Lopez Lake last week has attracted a continuous flow of visitors to the San Luis Obispo County park and it's expected to remain that way for the foreseeable future.
"Definitely one of the busiest weekends we've seen in quite some time," said Lopez Lake Park Ranger Keith Kuiken. "The lake spillage has brought out residents that haven't come out to the lake in decades."
Last Thursday, the lake spilled over for the first time in 25 years, a remarkable turnaround for the lake, which sat at just 22% capacity in early December.
However, an incredibly rainy winter season has not only refilled the lake, it has actually pushed over 100% capacity.
On Thursday, it reached 101.2% capacity, an almost unimaginable amount since it was near its record-low only a few months ago.
With the lake literally overflowing, it continues to bring out a steady stream of curious sight seekers who travel out to the lake located just east of Arroyo Grande, all wanting to catch of the glimpse of the rare event.
"It's crazy seeing like this," said Emma Pasguini, a college student from Pismo Beach. "I've grown up around this lake my whole life and it's just crazy to see that there's actually water in it for once."
Pasquini drove out to Lopez Lake with her cousin on Thursday specifically to see the full reservoir and water flowing into the spillway.
"Seeing it in person is a real shocker," said Pasquini. "I saw the pictures, and I was like, okay there's water, but seeing it person and seeing how much water is flowing out is amazing to see."
All day long, other visitors stopped along Lopez Drive, carefully avoiding traffic to watch the water flow over the lake's edge and into the concrete spillway, where it directs water in Arroyo Grande Creek.
"Wanted to come out and see it falling over," said Todd Schaffer of San Luis Obispo. "I'm amazed. I bike out here all the time and it's been so low for so long and it still shocks me that it's all the way to the spillway. Really can't believe it."
The front entrance of the lake has seen an incredible amount of visitors come into the park since last Thursday, especially over the past weekend.
"It's been extremely busy, which is great to see," said Kuiken. "There's been very heavy traffic coming into the park. The people have been great and they're super excited to see the park like this."
Kuiken added that while the park has been busy since spillage, it's only going to get busier later in the year.
"We are expecting a very busy summer," said Kuiken. "This is going to be a summer that a lot of us on staff have not experienced with the lake level this high, so it's going to be and exciting summer for us. We're very excited for everyone to come out here. It's going to be a great summer for a lot of residents who haven't come out in a while to experience it like this."
Kuiken pointed out all the expected visitors to the park will be a big financial boost to the county-owned facility.
"The only funds that we get are what we make through camping and what comes through our windows," said Kuiken. "So that revenue coming in is going to help us out a lot more in the future and help us provide the services that everyone needs."
In addition to the lake itself that stands to benefit from the heavy traffic this year, so too are the handful of private businesses that operate in the park, including the Lopez Marina and Store, Mustang Water Park and Vista Lago Adventure Park.
"They're going to have probably a very busy summer and I would assume a very exciting one with the amount of campers and visitors coming out here," said Kuiken. "It will be pretty exciting for them the adventure park, the water park and and the marina store, it's going to be a really busy summer."
Visitors to the park on Thursday all agreed that Lopez Lake will likely be a very popular place to visit throughout the rest of the year.
"I think it's going to be a great thing for Lopez," said Pasquini. "They'll probably have a lot more people coming out with boats and camping. With more water, it will be another place for all of us come out and hang out."
"Certainly," said Schaffer. "Having the lake full it looks better. Everything around looks healthier. Trees look great. It's definitely going to be a destination."
Kuiken added the park is already selling out on weekends and will likely fill up during the summer months, especially on the weekends, so he recommends anyone who is hoping to camp at the park this summer should make their reservations as soon as possible.
For more information on Lopez Lake, or to make a reservation, click here.