SBCC Extended Learning kicks off Job Fair in Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Visitors from all over town came to learn about jobs at the Santa Barbara City College Job Fair on Tuesday.
The school's extended learning offered job-seekers a chance to connect with employers who are actively hiring.
The event, titled "The future looks bright," included representatives from over a dozen businesses and organizations.
Some of them include Goodwill, the City of Santa Barbara, Hilton Santa Barbara, NurseCore of Santa Barbara and more.
"It's going pretty good I've seen a lot of the employers that I've had my eyes on and places that I would love to work," said student Chernor Diallo of SBCC.
"I've had a lot of really great people come up to me ... lots of resumes and I'm excited to get them all hired," said recruiter Tracy Ryan of NurseCore Home Health Agency.
During the job fair, visitors also got a chance to have on-the-spot interviews with employers.