Foodbank of Santa Barbara County partners with Letter Carriers for weekend food drive
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County is partnering with Letter Carriers for a food drive this weekend.
For the first time since 2019, the foodbank is hosting the return of the annual 'Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive'.
They’re hoping everyone will get involved.
The nation’s largest single-day food drive offers Santa Barbara County residents an easy way to donate non-perishable food.
"This is our essentially biggest food drive we’re able to have annually," said chief people officer Lisa Skvlara of the foodbank.
The foodbank will benefit from the food drive this weekend.
Through the mail carriers, the foodbank will be able to reach every household in the community.
"We always get people just wanting to support us. It’s really easy for them to put something by their mailbox so it’s a way of really engaging a lot of people all in one day," said CEO Erik Talkin of the foodbank.
Postal customers can donate non-perishable food items by leaving them next to mailboxes before mail is delivered on the day of the drive.
"We put it on hold just to respect people’s health and safety and also if the letter carriers so we’re excited to bring it back … we normally get about 69 or 79 pounds from this food drive so it’s really a huge opportunity for us to get food," said chief strategy officer Nathalie Keller of the foodbank.
Foodbank organizers said their hope is to get 100,000 pounds of canned goods this weekend.
"It brings in a lot of food which is really helpful because right now there is a really high need in our community and so it’s community at a really great time," said grand and development specialist Hanna Webster.
The Food Drive accepts all shelf-stable, non-glass food items.
The most needed foods for the drive include nut butters, canned protein and whole grain cereals.
"It’s five six months post holidays now so the food is running out … so the timing of this may drive is incredible because it helps restock our foodbank’s to have those items on hand," said Skvlara.
The National Association of Letter Carriers food drive is on Saturday, May 13th.
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