Monique Limón

Candidate Name: | Monique Limón (*incumbent) |
Position Sought: | California Senate – District 21 |
Website / Social Media: | Facebook: MoniqueLimonCA Instagram: @MoniqueLimonCA Twitter: @MoniqueLimonCA |
Why are you running for office? |
As a lifelong resident of the Central Coast, I know firsthand the unique concerns and needs of the 21st Senate District. During my service as a State Senator and Assemblymember, I have been successful in advancing legislation and advocated for budget funding that will improve the quality of life and reduce the cost of living on the Central Coast. |
What makes you qualified for this position? |
Prior to elected office, I dedicated my career to education. For 14 years, I worked with students and families in my district as a local school board member and as a program director at UCSB. My experiences in the State Senate, Assembly, the Santa Barbara Board of Education, work in the community, and professional background, have well prepared me to continue to represent the residents of the central coast in Senate District 21. |
What are the two hardest issues facing the candidate who wins the office you are running for? |
There are a number of issues facing the state, but the two that rise to the top are the threat of wildfires and the fiscal health of the state budget. The threat of wildfires and other natural disasters are ongoing threats to my district and at the state level. Our community was devastated with the Thomas Fire, the Montecito debris flow, and continues to be threatened by sea-level rise, flooding, and other disasters. In an effort to try to mitigate wildfire risk, I have supported budget allocations to pre-position fire equipment in areas known to pose a wildfire risk and to allocate additional resources to local officials to help them prepare and to contain a wildfire. I also authored a bill (AB 1956) to ensure emergency notifications are issued in multiple languages so that residents have access to information in their language. There is more that must be done to prevent, lessen the impact, and prepare for wildfires and other natural disasters. We began the year with a roughly $70 billion dollar budget shortfall. The legislature was faced with difficult decisions yet worked to protect funding of programs and services that many individuals rely on. Planning in prior years and a healthy reserve helped lessened the impact to critical programs for the 2024-25 fiscal year. However, it is anticipated that the 2025-26 budget cycle will also bring some challenges that will require understanding and expertise of state programs and funding impacts for the central coast, including access to quality child care, combating climate change, wildfires, and protecting funding for initiatives to address homelessness. |
How do you plan to address the issue of inflation and its impacts on your constituents if elected? |
The issue with inflation is top of mind. The Central Coast is not an affordable place to live for many. Our teachers, first responders, medical providers, and young professionals cannot afford to stay and raise a family in our area. The federal government plays the primary role in managing Inflation through the Federal Reserve and not something we can directly legislate at the state level. However, we can work on policy areas that are within the jurisdiction of the state to create economic stability. For example, advancing efforts to expand quality, affordable healthcare for every Californian and supporting cost containment efforts for the prices charged by drug companies and health insurers. I authored legislation to cap copayments for cancer medications and make biomarker testing more accessible to identify precision treatments for patients. I have also championed access to child care and helped expand the number of childcare slots in our state, providing more options for working families. To protect hard earned dollars people bring home, I have authored legislation to ensure Californians have financial lending options that are not predatory and help in times of crises. As a former educator, I have also worked to expand college affordability through the California Middle Class Scholarship and Cal Grants. I continue to work hard on issues that impact Californians on a daily basis and also bring experience and resources to our region, connecting state agencies and services to our communities. |
What major crime issues do you plan to address if elected and how? |
As someone who worked in education, both as a K-12 school board member and as assistant director of programs at UCSB which connected undergraduate and graduate students with research studies, I know the value of high school and college diplomas. Those who did not finish high school were more likely to be arrested than those who got a high school diploma. To me, ensuring all youth, including those that are incarcerated, have access to education opportunities is crucial to crime prevention and alleviating recidivism. Maintaining public safety in our community is important to me and I believe the Legislature can strike a balance between holding offenders accountable and protecting victims. Offenders should be held accountable for their actions - but there are ways to rehabilitate so they do not become repeat offenders. I will support measures to incentivize rehabilitation, reduce incarceration rates, and hopefully reverse the high levels of incarceration that exists in so many California communities. Additionally, this year, I authored a bill to begin the conversation to establish a California Do Not Sell List for firearms to prohibit individuals from lawfully purchasing a firearm. SB 1472 aims to enhance firearm safety and provide individuals with a means to proactively restrict their own access to firearms, if they were facing mental health concerns. I will continue this conversation into next year to raise public awareness and provide a practical tool for individuals to exercise responsible firearm ownership. |
How do you plan to address the issue of housing if elected? |
Addressing the issue of housing is complex and not a one-size fits all approach statewide. However, one common factor is the lack of consistent state funding to increase housing production, especially units that are affordable. I authored a bill to create a statewide funding source to support the construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of affordable housing. While this legislation has not passed, it allowed us to explore and have a conversation on a potential solution. As a legislator who has previously served as a member of the Housing and Community Development Committee, I have worked with legislators on exploring ways of addressing regional opportunities to consider housing production, housing financing, rental and tenant protections, and land use and zoning policies that work for the Central Coast. I am certain this topic will continue to come up and I will support legislation that provides tools to help local governments meet their housing needs. |
What do you hope to accomplish in your first year in office if elected? |
If I am re-elected, I will continue to use my experience serving our community to address local, regional and statewide needs. I will continue my work on transparency, accountability, and to strengthen policies to ensure appropriate measures are in place to protect taxpayers and the environment. I have a strong environmental record and am proud to be a leader on climate issues at the state level. I will also continue to work on legislation and supporting state budget allocations that will provide local resources and make improvements in recovery, response, and prevention of natural disasters. |
What actions do you plan to take to reduce political divide? |
During my time in the legislature, I have worked across party lines. I am proud that this is evidenced by looking at the fact that 82% of the bills that I have authored received bipartisan support. I have also supported bills authored by my republican colleagues. My deliberation process includes having conversations with all parties involved to understand the various perspectives. Ultimately, my final decision reflects the values important to the communities I represent. |