23rd Putting Kids First Santa Barbara Police Activities League raises $120,000
SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif.– The Santa Barbara Police Activities League’s (PAL) 23rd annual Putting Kids First fundraiser raised $120,000 for PAL programming.
230 supporters from local government agencies and sponsors from the KKB Foundation and Van Donge Family attended the event at the Santa Barbara Carriage Museum to raise money through dinner, a live and silent auction, and a brisket cook-off.
The Santa Barbara Police Department took home first place in the cook-off with cooking by Sergeant Ben Ahrens with the Santa Barbara Fire City Department (Captain Jeremy Denton), California Highway
Patrol (Officer Jon Gutierrez), and the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department (Sheriff Bob Lacey) taking the rest of the brisket leader board.
Officer Adrian Gutierrez was also honored for his 22 years of service at the Santa Barbara Police Department serving as Patrol Officer, Beat Coordinator - Eastside, School Resource Officer,
Crisis Negotiations Officer, and Community Liaison Officer.
Retired Santa Barbara Police Commander Aaron Baker was given the Hero’s Award to recognize his work and commitment to PAL.
PAL "strives to build the bridge between cops, kids, and our community through mentorship, leadership, and academic enrichment programs".
The League says its Twelve35 Teen Center, "provides teens with holistic programming including academic support and a wide range of enrichment programs such as fitness classes and equipment, environmental education, and social-emotional and mental wellness referral support".
For more information about PAL, visit their website at www.sbpal.org.