EPA studies clean options at Halaco Superfund Site by Ormond Beach in Oxnard
OXNARD, Calif. – The Environmental Protection Agency and elected officials have promised to clean up the Halaco Superfund Site for nearly two decades.
During a community meeting, residents learned the EPA was doing a feasibility study to decide how to clean up the former metal smelter plant at Ormond Beach in Oxnard.
When the Halaco Engineering Company was tasked with cleaning it up after 40 years of operations, it declared bankruptcy.
People protested the pollution near the wetlands that environmentalists have been working to restore.
Radioactive thorium and radium are among the many chemicals found in the slag heap after the building was torn down.
It may not hurt people walking by, but can be harmful to wildlife and the unhoused population known to camp in the sand outside the chain-link fence.
For more information on the Superfund Site, click here.