Witnesses to Stearns Wharf crash on Saturday describe what happened
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – Stearns Wharf, known for its restaurants and fishing, was interrupted Saturday when a catering van crashed into 10 vehicles, injuring several people.
"I heard commotion, I saw a lot of people going, 'stop, stop,' and you could hear a car going really fast and you then you hear a big smack," said Debbie Pech, Moby Dick's Assistant Manager.
"My first thought was, New Orleans, I hate to say that, but that's because everything that's going on lately in the world." said Pech.
Six people including the drive of the minivan were taken to Cottage Hospital with non life threatening injuries.
"We were just like pulling up our crab trap, and then like this car just started coming in and like hit like a bench," said Haven Bodine, a witness.
We talk to a group of kids who fish at the pier often and they say they saw the whole thing.
"The car came in, hit the bench, very scared, chaos. Chaos," said Bodine.
During the shocking event, many stepped into action to lend a helping hand and help those injured.
"The girl from Shellfish and I were keeping cars moving, because we knew ambulance and fire trucks and even when they came, they have to back out," said Pech.
"There was this guy taking his shirt off, about to jump in, because everybody thought there was like someone in the water, someone under the car, so everyone was like just trying to help," said Bodine.
"It was, it was pretty traumatic. I mean it was really, I was just really grateful that it wasn't worse. It could have been so much worse," said Pech.
Despite the accident, it didn't stop people from visiting the pier, although some were stayed extra cautious.
The cause of the crash remains under investigation.