Ribbon cutting ceremony celebrates completion of Highway 166/Black Road Traffic Signal and Safety Improvement Project

SANTA MARIA, Calif. -- A Ribbon cutting ceremony was held today at Main Street Produce to Celebrate the completion of Highway 166 and Black Road Traffic Signal and Safety Improvement Project.
The $2.53 million project was fully funded by voter-approved Measure A.
Taxpayers knew the commute from Guadalupe and Santa Maria was on a dangerous highway with few lights and traffic signals.
Now, almost 20 years later, the project added new traffic signals, turning lanes, enhanced lighting, reflective pavement markings, and drainage systems. All built to improve safety and address flooding along Highway 166 and Black Road.
The project was completed through collaborative efforts from SBCAG, Caltrans, the City of Guadalupe, the City of Santa Maria, and the County of Santa Barbara. As well as, Engineering and construction partners: Psomas, Rincon Consultants, MNS Engineers Inc., and Granite Construction.