Central Coast organizations team up with Santa Barbara County Public Health to provide COVID vaccine clinic
SANTA MARIA, Calif. – United Domestic Workers, Lideres Campesinas and the NAACP Santa Maria/Lompoc branch are teaming up with Santa Barbara County Public Health to provide a COVID vaccine clinic to the community.
The mobile vaccine clinic will be open on Thursday, May 6, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UDW Union Hall, located at 402 S. Miller Street in Santa Maria.
A few weeks ago, NAACP partnered with the department for a mobile COVID vaccine clinic, as SB County Public Health's 'Mobile Team' was launched to get as many people vaccinated for COVID-19 as possible.
This Thursday, a total of 200 doses of the Moderna vaccine will be distributed to the community. These vaccines are by appointment only.
To make an appointment, click here or call UDW at 805-349-9656 (English and Español) or NAACP at 805-448-7869.