The Empathy Center hosts sand mandala tour in Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - This week, five Tibetan monks are creating a sand mandala at the Empathy Center for the community.
The community will be able to see this mandala until the colorful sand is released into the ocean on Sunday.
The Empathy Center is also hosting a lunch provided by Himalayan families and friends this weekend.
There will be discussion between various faith, heart, and mind leaders in our community.
This event is hosted by Thepo Tulku from the Tibetan Buddhist Community.
He will be joined by Edwin Rutsch of the Empathy Center, Fr. Larry Gosselin OFM from SB Mission, Jeanette Love from the Church of the Beatitudes, Mahomed Kahn, Amjan Khamjan Khrueasui from the Thai Community, Geshe Tsewang Dorje from Tibet, Dr Wael Hagazy and Mahomed Khan from the Muslim Community, Philip Prinz from the Jewish Community, Michael Kearney with mindful nature connection and The Becoming Forest Project, Rev David Moore and Rev Tim Burnette from the Protestant community, Radhule Weininger with mindfulness and Mindful Heart Programs, and Japanese Zen Master Souken Danjo (Danjo San), who is visiting from Japan.
The luncheon is on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at The Empathy Center at 1964 Las Canoas Road.