Woods Humane Society expands dog training services to SLO pet owners

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.– Woods Humane Society has expanded its behavior and training team offering new classes and a variety of affordable options to train community pets in the new year.
The non-profit has added two new certified dog trainers, built a training yard, and had coordinators earn national dog trainer certification equipping Woods with the tools to offer more classes to the public.
Woods CEO Neil Trent hopes expanded resources will combat high surrender requests and help dog owners who have felt helpless with limited in-person training opportunities.
“Because the local supply of qualified dog trainers is limited, many new dog owners have felt frustrated and helpless, which could be one reason we saw an increase in surrender requests in 2022. We have worked hard to build out our training program so that we can better support pet owners and help keep pets healthy, happy and safe in their homes and out of the shelter."

To learn more on the training options for your pet or more on services visit www.WoodsHumane.org/Training or call (805) 543-9316.