Santa Barbara business provides free, online art classes for kids

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Santa Barbara-based business, Deep Space Sparkle, has decided to do its part to support families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the statewide stay at home order.
The company's owner Patty Palmer is broadcasting free online art classes for children who are stuck at home.
The art classes air twice a week through the company's Facebook and Instagram lives on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. In case you miss it, the classes are also available to replay on the company's Youtube channel and on their website.
Deep Space Sparkle describes the art projects as appropriate for children between five and twelve years old. All of the projects only call for basic art supplies.
Patty Palmer, the founder and CEO of the art education site, taught art in Goleta Union School District for 12 years. In 2015, Palmer traded her paint-splattered apron in to create The Sparklers Club. The Sparklers Club was a membership site that recruited over 7,000 teachers worldwide to create art curriculums and lesson plans.
Palmer is now on her third week of Draw & Paint Alongs on Deep Space Sparkle's social media.
Deep Space Sparkle said they already have nearly 500 – 800 families from all over the world attending their livestreams each day, with a reach of over 500,000 on their art class video replays.
Deep Space Sparkle works on the second floor of a studio overlooking State Street in downtown Santa Barbara. The company is made up of 10 team members. Team Sparkle said they hope to create magical moments for families around their kitchen tables during the stay at home order.