National Defense Authorization Act FY24 includes Fentanyl Trafficking bill authored by Rep. Carbajal

WASHINGTON, D.C.– With the recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2024 (NDAA) by both chambers of Congress, legislation written by Congressman Carbajal is set to become law with a Presidential signature.
The Disrupt Fentanyl Trafficking Act, authored by Representatives Carbajal (D-CA) and Bice (R-OK), introduces the use of Department of Defense equipment and includes Mexico as an active partner in stemming the flow of illicit opioids.
The legislation specifically:
- Declares fentanyl trafficking a national security threat
- Directs Pentagon resources to develop a fentanyl-focused strategy that includes international cooperation
- Requires the Secretary of Defense to increase security cooperation with the Mexican military
- Focuses law enforcement and Department of Defense coordination concerning fentanyl
"The Central Coast of California has been devastated by the scourge of fentanyl on our streets, with some areas seeing a 700% spike in overdose deaths in recent years," explained Congressman Carbajal. "We need an international and all-hands approach to curbing these overdose deaths–and it starts with cutting off the supply before it reaches our communities. As one of this year’s NDAA conferees, I was proud to see the final agreement include our bipartisan measure to declare fentanyl trafficking a national security threat and enhance cooperation with Mexico to crack down on the flow of this deadly drug – and I look forward to seeing it signed into law before the end of the year."
A total of 168 overdose deaths were recorded in Santa Barbara County alone in 2022 and of those, 115 were fentanyl-related.
The potential reduction in the flow of fentanyl into the United States is not only intended to save lives, but also to disrupt the flow of cash into the hands of narcotics traffickers and criminal cartels.
"This legislation is critical in empowering the Department of Defense to take steps to halt cartel trafficking," stated Congressperson Bice. "Fentanyl is killing countless Americans, and we must take steps to halt this crisis. I am grateful for the support of my colleagues in the House and Senate as we worked to ensure this legislation was included in the final bill."
The same day this federal response passed Congress, California announced the launch of a comprehensive resource website about the opioid crisis as part of a broader billion-dollar Master Plan.
"The opioid crisis touches every person and every community in the country," said Governor Newsom. "This new website aims to support all Californians, from victims of the crisis to their loved ones to providers, and more." |