All quiet on the campus front for St. Patrick’s Day in SLO
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. - Cal Poly and city leaders took some active steps for St. Patrick’s Day weekend in San Luis Obispo, in order to avoid a repeat of last year's rowdy, destructive crowds.
Many have vivid memories from only a year ago: the massive crowds, rowdy college students, and thousands of dollars in damages on St. Fratty's Day weekend in San Luis Obispo.
“One guy was hanging from the telephone wire and there was a lot of people at the block party. That was the big thing that people got upset about for sure,” says Cal Poly student Tyler Herzig.
Law enforcement expanded the Safety Enhancement Zones for holiday weekends as a direct result.
One employee of McCarthy’s Irish Pub in downtown SLO says it made a difference.
“They seem to be on pretty good behavior this last year. And I'd say they’ve probably been out all weekend,” says Carson Spencer, who works at McCarthy’s Irish Pub.
Cal Poly held an on-campus music festival Saturday morning.
“I personally didn't go to the show, but I had a lot of friends that went and they said it was actually a lot of fun,” says Herzig.
The turnout was reported to be significant. And at one point, students had to break down one barrier, which law enforcement allowed for safety reasons. But students respectfully stayed out of nearby neighborhoods.
“Haven't had any issues. So like, you know, we always have to worry. We got two guys working door, you know, we’ve got both entrances and no one's gotten out of hand,” says Spencer.
A university spokesman says officials are pleased with the smoothness of this year's celebrations.
“So I actually think Cal Poly did a pretty good job of shutting it down because they really wanted to shut it down in a sense, but also allowing the students to have fun in the process. And I heard they put on a pretty good show, so props to them for that,” says Herzig.
Only two arrests and five medical transports related to the university were reported as of Monday afternoon.