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New playgrounds coming soon to four Santa Maria elementary schools

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SANTA MARIA, Calif. - New playgrounds are coming to Santa Maria elementary schools.
For nearly three months, kids have been playing at recess with no swings, no slides, no monkey bars or jungle gyms at four elementary schools here.

Students are finding new ways to play at Alvin, Fairlawn, Tunnell and Ontiveros elementary schools.

“When October rolled around and and then the emails came in saying that we weren't going to have a playground, it was kind of a we kind of been holding on, kind of holding our breath until the playgrounds came in,” says Trinity Hamilton, Alvin elementary principal.

There was a backlog in state approval for the project’s construction, and a delay in finding a contractor that met the district’s requirements to use its federal funding.

“Unfortunately, we had to reject all of the bids, go out to bidding again and make sure that these contractors really understood the guidelines that we needed them to meet to include workers or companies owned by veterans,” said Maggie White, Santa Maria Bonita School District’s Public Information Officer.

The school year began with empty cement foundations, instead of the purchased playground equipment.

“We got all the brains in the room and just started talking about what our next steps are going to be. And so we kind of pivoted,” says Principal Hamilton.

Additional funds were allocated to purchase new fitness equipment and portable games like basketball, cornhole, giant Jenga, and Connect-Four games in the mean time.

“We've just given them more options and honestly, they've just been having a blast with these different options,” says White.

After approving new contracts at last night's school board meeting, construction can now begin. 

“We do have plans that most of the equipment will start being installed as soon as possible,” says White.

“Play is learning and so when we can have our students have high engaging learning resources outside, they're also developing their skill sets. And so play is just as important as academics in my mind,” says Hamilton.

Staff say construction may begin as soon as this weekend and is expected to be completed by the end of winter break in January.

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Jarrod Zinn


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