Recount requested for Compton in SLO County 4th District Supervisor race

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif. - A registered San Luis Obispo County voter has filed a recount request with the elections office for the 4th District Supervisors race. It was filed on behalf of Lynn Compton who finished 639 votes behind Jimmy Paulding in the final official election results posted by the county on June 7.
The request was made by Darcia Stebbens, asking for a manual recount. Stebbens also asks for the opportunity to examine ballots and "relevant materials" including ballot envelope scanners, signature verification sheets and, "All transmitted documents from ImageCastX machines to Dominion Democracy Suite of software products."
California elections code says the person requesting a recount has to pay for it, placing a deposit with an elections official for the money needed to cover that day's expenses.
Paulding finished with 10,769 votes to 10,130 for Compton. The race was a rematch from four years ago.
In 2018, Compton narrowly defeated Paulding and she sued the County Clerk's Office, accusing it of violating county elections code.
A recount must begin in seven days and continue daily for no less than six hours each day until completed.