SBIFF holds screening of “Spencer” followed by a talk with actress Kristen Stewart

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (KEYT) - Santa Barbara International Film Festival screened the movie “Spencer” directed by Pablo Larraín on Sunday followed by an in-person Q&A with the actress Kristen Stewart.
The event is warm-up in anticipation for the 37th film festival that is around the corner.
"Spencer" is the story behind the three days Princess Diana had to endure leading up to the royal family Christmas at the Queen's Sandringham Estate when the princess decides to divorce her husband, Prince Charles.
The movie is described by director Pablo Larraín as a “fable from a true story”, which gave Kristen Stewart a chance to deliver an extraordinary performance.
"To distill a person and examine their truest colors in a state of trauma makes sense. Those times are so revealing of who you are," said Stewart about the role.
The Twilight star will be honored with the American Riviera Award in March at the Arlington Theater.
"Career defining for her, she is totally lost, she becomes Diana. She loses her herself on the role," said Roger Durling, SBIFF Executive Director.
The actress answered a few question from Durling after the screening in front of a packed theatre.
The lineup for the festival will be announced in February 2022.
The in-person festival is set from March 2-12, this year.
For more information about the SBIFF events click here.