Labor Day Picnics Kick Off Political Season
Democrats are known for hosting political picnics on Labor Day, but Republicans hold picnics too.
Republicans met at Tucker’s Grove over the holiday weekend. Former Santa Barbara City Council member Dale Francisco said about 100 people turned out on Sunday.
He said the party represents ordinary people and was created to fight for freedom from slavery. He said candidates including Congressional candidate Justin Fareed spoke at the event. Party members plan to work hard to get him and other Republicans elected on Nov. 8th.
His Democratic rival Salud Carbajal spoke at the Democratic Party’s Labor Day picnic at Oak Park in Santa Barbara on Monday afternoon. Carbajal reminded voters the election is just 62 days away.
Daraka Larimore-Hall said his party sides with labor, unions and farm workers fighting for higher wages.
Democrats said they will work hard to get out the vote because they are not taking promising polls for granted.